Banquet rooms | your event location near Zurich

Banquets & Celebrations

  • Bankette-Feiern Bankettraum-Aquarius-1500x600
  • Geburtstag-feiern SEEDAMM-PLAZA
  • Geburtstagsfeier SEEDAMM-PLAZA
  • bankette-feiern 02


Celebrate and enjoy without any worries. Spoiling guests is our passion. With us, you will find a broad variety of almost unlimited possibilities to make your event unforgettable.

Whether standing cocktail, gala dinner, company or family party, anniversary and much more. The cooking team of the SEEDAMM PLAZA provides creative dishes with experience and knowledge that reaches almost all over the world.


Banketträume SEEDAMM PLAZA

swisstainable  Swiss Bike Hotel SEEDAMM PLAZA